kill time for me. be a murderer.
hello and welcome to my blog. though i don't usually blog often these days.
kill time for me. be a murderer.
hello and welcome to my blog. though i don't usually blog often these days.
i came into this world on the 27/5.(remember this date like it's your life, jk) I ♥ animanga & kpop. [☆SUPER JUNIOR, DBSK, SHINee, SS501, SNSD, 2PM☆] I'm addicted to chocolates & cookies. >_< Photoshop, listening to music, drawing and playing the guitar. I like anything related to Korea & Japan. ^_^ um...
wishlist: unconditional desires
● learn korean and japanese so that i could write and speak fluently● Get good O Level results ● a camera ● Lollipop / Ice Cream phone >_< ● My own room! ● Normal | Bold | friends.
Friends and FamilyYesung Fanatic Evita Carina Geraldyn 6Episcians 6Episcia Sabrina Mavis YokTeng RachelT Germaine YiFei Clarice Andrea Pamela Heidi Jia Hui One two-ers 1E2 YuYan Elysia Mavis Xinru Eunice Chloe Pei Ru Brigitte Phyllicia Hannah Farzana Celeste credits.
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Sixth Post
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Hi! Today i am writing my sixth blog post! and i can't believe its so fast! I' am graduating T_T gonna miss my friends... luckily we created a blog so that we can still contact each other (^^) This is the first time i miss my friends this much. We should really treasure the times we had together bcos you may never know when they are goin to disappear. I like this quote: "A rose is like a flower that stays for an hour but our friendship has the power to live forever". Aw... i'm gonna cry... Lots of people cried on Thanksgiving Day. I think my class the most people cried. We are still planning to meet after graduation though, so its not that bad. Here's our blogspot website:, we have 37 pupils in our class and we included our teacher so its 38! cool eh? Now we're all going into secondary school, and we will be separated! STOP! What am i thinking? all i've been writing till now is all about my class and how we are going to be separated? how can i think like that?! Here's how i should think: we are going to stay as a class forever! Now, that's more like it! Yay! Wish 6Episcia all the best for PSLE results and the future. Bye, Yumiko♥ |